Funding is looking for investors who want a higher return than
they are presently getting from conventional investments, such as bonds
or the risky stock market. We can match you up with real estate
investors in need of funding for their projects. You get the benefit of
our professional underwriting and mortgage servicing and the protection
of a first mortgage or trust deed on real estate with a good
loan-to-value ratio, positive cash flow, property/hazard insurance and a large amount of equity.
Returns can range from 8 to 13 percent or more.
to know why you should use Quest Funding to place your investments in
private mortgages or trust deeds? Click to read Here . Also, read Here for some reasons why originating your own private loans has risks you can avoid by working with Quest Funding Services - The Good, the Bad, the Ugly of Private Lending.
Funding acts in two different capacities, as a (1) broker-servicer or
as a (2) lender/manager & servicer. In the first capacity, the
funding transaction is directly between the investor and the borrower.
Quest Funding acts in the capacity of underwriter and processor until
the funding is originated. Afterward, Quest Funding acts as the
servicer and, if ever required, as the interum property manager. When
Quest Funding acts in this capacity, there is, in general, one
investor for each borrower & property; and the investor and subject
property usually need to be located in the same state. With these
limitations, all parties remain in compliance with the pertinent law.
the second capacity, investors must be "accredited investors" as
defined by various securities laws. In order to comply with the
provisions of Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1934, as amended,
investors must meet one of the various definitions of an accredited
investor. The offerings and other information aimed at accredited
investors are not accessible to the general public, as mandated by the
Click Here to Read About Private Mortgage Investor Requirements & Private Placements
30 day waiting period between our verification of your status as
an accredited investor and the granting of access to the restricted,
investor section of this website is mandatory in order to comply with
the law. Once that waiting period has passed, and the investor has an
established relationship with Quest Funding, the accredited investor
will be given a username and password for access to that most restricted
of this website, via a separate login within the regular member section.
on this page consititutes an offer to buy or sell specific first
mortgage investments. An offer is made only through an offering
circular only to investors who are financially capable of undertaking
the risks implied in this type of investment. While the returns
can be lucrative, investing in first mortgages involves substantial
risk that cannot be completely mitigated even with the most cautious
investigation and/or underwriting. Please be sure to read the
risk factors section of any offering circular before investing in the
underlying debt instrument.
Here to Discuss Being a Quest Funding Services Private Lender